Please consider supporting Rockville Musical Theatre in our mission of bringing high-quality live theater to the Rockville community. Your generous contribution supplements the various operational and production expenses not covered by ticket sales alone. RMT is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.
You can make your contribution securely online by clicking the “donate” button below. Donations can also be accepted by cash or check through the mail using our Annual Giving Form.
As a donor, your name will be listed in each show program, on the donor board in the F Scott Fitzgerald Theatre lobby during performances, and on our website.
Donor Levels:
$500+ - Bravo! Encore! - Donors at this level receive 4 complimentary tickets to be used during RMT's Main Stage shows at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre.
$250 - Standing Ovation - Donors at this level receive 2 complimentary tickets to be used during RMT's Main Stage shows at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre.
$150 - Star
$100 - Spotlight
$50 - Applause
Other - Break-A-Leg